I liked the answer given here, but let me tell you. I am homeless.. with such thought I've had to implement ways to survive without letting people know that I am homeless.. and honestly, it really isn't that hard. Here are the steps and reasons why I would take each step.
In today's society, an address is really not hard to come by. People are creatures of habit, therefore people meet people. One thing you can do is meet someone, befriend them, not to live with them but to temporarily use their address so you can have important mail sent to you or for job related reasons. If that is too much for you to deal with, invest in a P.O. Box from the post office, or the UPS store now does personal mailboxes for as little as $66.00 for 3 months at a time. Last option you may have, is finding a job that will let you use their address temporarily until you can afford alternate venues.
Once you have an address established, I recommend getting a pre-paid credit card from Walmart. It's a Blue or Gold Walmart money card. Although it is not necessary to have an address right off the bat with a Walmart card, you can buy one for $3.00/$6.00 and it comes equipped with checking account information. This obviously is your bank account.
As soon as you build up enough of a nest egg, get a membership to any gym.. Fitness centers all have showers which are free to use with membership. Memberships can be bought for great deals if you wait and listen for them.. just keep in mind, they all have an annual fee they will charge soon after membership is acquired.
If you dont have a car, squat somewhere where public transportation has easy access to all these places before mentioned. If you have a car, your in better shape then you think.. you can park your car in overnight public places, i.e. casinos, fitness center parking lots, Walmart lots or any other place open 24/7.
If your a people person, find a job waiting tables at 1 or 2 restaurants.. if your body can keep up with it, 2 jobs waiting tables will get you out of a financial crunch quickly.. Find a good breakfast stop for your morning job, i.e. Waffle a house, Denny's, I.H.O.P. , Bob Evans… for the night time look at places like BWW, Applebees or any other restaurant that has a busy evening shift clientele..
I currently have done all the above and I live comfortably, I'm saving a ton of money and putting it in my Walmart card (bank account), I visit my fitness center at least every other day, do a small activity and then shower, and I sleep in my car. Soon, I plan on paying off everything on my credit report and building my credit back. The way I look at it, yes, I make good money, I can get a place to live, but if I dont, my rent is my car payment, my job is my income, my fitness center keeps my hygiene in check and Walmart keeps my money safe..
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